The 2-hour drive from the airport to Santos - slow traffic is very unusual. Duas horas no trajeto do aeroporto para Santos com pouco tráfego (não é comum).
Since we cross the Serra do Mar, there are several tunnels along the way. Vários túneis pela Serra do Mar.
Monument honoring the Japanese immigrants who came to Brazil. Monumento em homenagem aos imigrantes japoneses.
Not an optical illusion: the building is leaning, and it's still occupied. Não é ilusão óitca: o prédio está mesmo inclinado e ainda tem moradores.
The cannal leading to the Santos port, the busiest in South America and 5th largest in the world. O canal de entrada do porto de Santos, o mais movimentado da América Latina e 5º do mundo.
Guarujá island on the horizon. Ilha do Guarujá ao fundo.
From this point we can watch the constant flow of ships in and out of the cannal. Deste ponto pode se observar o constante fluxo de navios no canal.
The boat for our tour of the cannal. O nosso barco do passeio pelo canal.
Riding along the ship was effortless for this guy. Pegando carona na correnteza do barco.
Hidden beaches along the way. Praias escondidas no caminho.
Santos in the horizon. Santos ao fundo.
Rafael goes swimming even though the outside temperature was 71F. Rafael vai nadar mesmo com a temperatura de 22 C.
Check out the ships in line to come into the port. Vejam a fila dos navios.
Rafael and his dad, Heliomar. Rafael e Heliomar.
Our tour guide said that Santos has over 100 leaning buildings -- all currently inhabited. O nosso guia falou que Santos tem mais de 100 prédios inclinados -- todos ainda ocupados.
Notice both building leaning opposite from the church. Vejam ambos os prédios nos lados da igreja.
Even the buoys lean... Até a bóias são inclinadas...
Get a sense of the ship size and the small boat. Dá pra ter uma idéia do tamanho do navio com o barquinho perto.
Museum of Fishing. Museu do Pescador.
The white "things" being transported are train cars. A carga branca são vagões de trem.
A shopping mall by the cannal. The thermoter shows 71F. Um shopping no canal. Veja o termômetro a 22 C.
Santos Yatch Club.
A vertical cemetery. Cemitério vertical.
Rafael and his bike. Rafael e sua moto.