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Boat Tour

  • Info

    Another day was spent on a boat tour on one side of the island.
    Em outro dia nós fizemos um passeio de barco em um lado da ilha.
  • Our boat is pulling up to the harbor to take us on a tour.
    Nosso barco vem atracar ao porto pra nos levar pro passeio.
  • It was great seeing the Peak Mountain from a different angle.
    Foi legal ver o Morro do Pico de outro ângulo.
  • As we began the tour, we passed by several of the islets in the archipelago.
    Ao começarmos o passeio, passamos por várias ilhotas do arquipélago.
  • Just as if they were on cue, lots of dolphins began appearing around the boat. Como se estivese planejado, muitos golfinhos começaram a aparecer em volta ao…
  • Out of the 21 islands in the archipelago, only Fernando de Noronha is inhabited.
    Das 21 ilhas no arquipélago, apenas Fernando de Noronha é habitada.