Bandelier National Monument

A visit to Bandelier National Monument, New Mexico, USA.
Uma visita ao Monumento Nacional de Bandelier no estado do Novo México, EUA.
On March 13, 2014, we spent a day at Bandelier National Monument. No dia 13 de março de 2014, nós passamos um dia no Monumento Nacional de Bandelier. : Bandelier NM  Our main destination was the Frijoles Canyon. A nossa meta principal foi o Canyon Frijoles. : Bandelier NM  BandelierNM 03 P1000247 : Bandelier NM  BandelierNM 04 P1000249 : Bandelier NM  BandelierNM 05 P1000250 : Bandelier NM  We started our 3.71-miles walk down the Main Loop Trail. Fizemos uma caminhada de 6 km pela trilha do Circuito Principal. : Bandelier NM, Main Loop Trail  All along we can spot several cliff dwellings on the distant walls. Pelo caminho todo podemos ver várias moradias nos penhascos à distancia. : Bandelier NM, Main Loop Trail  Let's visit some of these dwellings. Vamos visitar algumas dessa moradias. : Bandelier NM, Main Loop Trail  The Big Kiva was a communal meeting place and had a roof. A Grande Kiva era um ponto comum para encontros e tinha um teto. : Bandelier NM, Main Loop Trail 
The Tyuonyi Pueblo was one of several villages in the park. O Povoado Tyuonyi foi uma das várias vilas no parque. : Bandelier NM, Main Loop Trail  It was only one or two stories high and with small rooms. Tinha apenas um ou dois andares e com quartos pequenos. : Bandelier NM, Main Loop Trail  Now we are heading to the cliff dwellings. Agora vamos para as moradas nos penhascos. : Bandelier NM, Main Loop Trail  BandelierNM 13 P1000260 : Bandelier NM, Main Loop Trail  Another kiva. Outra kiva. : Bandelier NM, Main Loop Trail  BandelierNM 15 P1000264 : Bandelier NM, Main Loop Trail  BandelierNM 16 P1000265 : Bandelier NM, Main Loop Trail  BandelierNM 17 P1000266 : Bandelier NM, Main Loop Trail  BandelierNM 18 P1000268 : Bandelier NM, Main Loop Trail 
The Tyuonyi Pueblo seen from above. O Povoado Tyuonyi visto de cima. : Bandelier NM, Main Loop Trail  BandelierNM 20 P1000271 : Bandelier NM, Main Loop Trail  BandelierNM 21 P1000272 : Bandelier NM, Main Loop Trail  One of the large rooms. Um dos quartos maiores. : Bandelier NM, Main Loop Trail  BandelierNM 23 P1000280 : Bandelier NM, Main Loop Trail  BandelierNM 24 P1000282 : Bandelier NM, Main Loop Trail  BandelierNM 25 P1000284 : Bandelier NM, Main Loop Trail  BandelierNM 26 P1000285 : Bandelier NM, Main Loop Trail  BandelierNM 27 P1000287 : Bandelier NM, Main Loop Trail 
BandelierNM 28 P1000288 : Bandelier NM, Main Loop Trail  BandelierNM 29 P1000289 : Bandelier NM, Main Loop Trail  We are now heading to the Long House. Agora vamos para a Casa Longa. : Bandelier NM, Main Loop Trail  BandelierNM 31 P1000292 : Bandelier NM, Main Loop Trail  A pictograph on a house wall. Um pictograma numa parede de casa. : Bandelier NM, Main Loop Trail  Many petroglyphs adorn the house walls. Muitos petróglifos adornam as paredes da casa. : Bandelier NM, Main Loop Trail  BandelierNM 34 P1000293 : Bandelier NM, Main Loop Trail  BandelierNM 35 P1000295 : Bandelier NM, Main Loop Trail  BandelierNM 36 P1000296 : Bandelier NM, Main Loop Trail 
BandelierNM 37 P1000297 : Bandelier NM, Main Loop Trail  BandelierNM 38 P1000298 : Bandelier NM, Main Loop Trail  BandelierNM 39 P1000299 : Bandelier NM, Main Loop Trail  BandelierNM 40 P1000300 : Bandelier NM, Main Loop Trail  BandelierNM 41 P1000301 : Bandelier NM, Main Loop Trail  BandelierNM 42 P1000305 : Bandelier NM, Main Loop Trail  BandelierNM 43 P1000306 : Bandelier NM, Main Loop Trail  After leaving the Long House, we go to the Alcove. Depois de sairmos da Casa Longa, nós fomos para a Alcova. : Bandelier NM, Main Loop Trail  BandelierNM 45 P1000307 : Bandelier NM, The Alcove Trail 
Back in 2011, there was a large flood in this area. Em 2011, houve uma grande enchente nesta área. : Bandelier NM, The Alcove Trail  One can still see a lot of debris. Ainda se pode ver muitos escombros. : Bandelier NM, The Alcove Trail  BandelierNM 48 P1000311 : Bandelier NM, The Alcove Trail  The Alcove is a steep climb of 140 feet up four wooden ladders and stone stairs. A Alcova é uma subida íngreme de 43 metros de altura usando quatro escadas de madeira e outras de pedra. : Bandelier NM, The Alcove Trail  The Alcove is on the top left. A Alcova fica no topo à esquerda. : Bandelier NM, The Alcove Trail  BandelierNM 51 P1000315 : Bandelier NM, The Alcove Trail  BandelierNM 52 P1000316 : Bandelier NM, The Alcove Trail  BandelierNM 53 P1000317 : Bandelier NM, The Alcove Trail  BandelierNM 54 P1000318 : Bandelier NM, The Alcove Trail 
As we get higher, the view becomes more breathtaking! À medida que subimos, a vista ficam mais deslumbrante! : Bandelier NM, The Alcove Trail  BandelierNM 56 P1000320 : Bandelier NM, The Alcove Trail  BandelierNM 57 P1000321 : Bandelier NM, The Alcove Trail  Almost there... Quase no top... : Bandelier NM, The Alcove Trail  BandelierNM 59 P1000323 : Bandelier NM, The Alcove Trail  BandelierNM 60 P1000324 : Bandelier NM, The Alcove Trail  BandelierNM 61 P1000325 : Bandelier NM, The Alcove Trail  Beautiful views on the top! Lindas vistas no topo! : Bandelier NM, The Alcove Trail  The small holes on the walls seem to indicate a roof and another floor above. Os buracos pequenos nas paredes indicam um teto e outro piso acima. : Bandelier NM, The Alcove Trail 
BandelierNM 64 P1000329 : Bandelier NM, The Alcove Trail  BandelierNM 65 P1000330 : Bandelier NM, The Alcove Trail  BandelierNM 66 P1000331 : Bandelier NM, The Alcove Trail  BandelierNM 67 P1000332 : Bandelier NM, The Alcove Trail  BandelierNM 68 P1000333 : Bandelier NM, The Alcove Trail  There is the Alcove on the right. Lá está a Alcova à direita. : Bandelier NM, The Alcove Trail  BandelierNM 70 P1000335 : Bandelier NM, The Alcove Trail  BW 4087 : Bandelier NM, Main Loop Trail  BW 4103 : Bandelier NM, Main Loop Trail 
BW 4104 : Bandelier NM, Main Loop Trail  BW 4105 : Bandelier NM, Main Loop Trail  BW 4112 : Bandelier NM, Main Loop Trail  BW 4113 : Bandelier NM, Main Loop Trail  BW 4116 : Bandelier NM, Main Loop Trail  BW 4141 : Bandelier NM, Main Loop Trail  BW 4143 : Bandelier NM, Main Loop Trail  BW 4144 : Bandelier NM, Main Loop Trail  BW 4145 : Bandelier NM, Main Loop Trail 
BW 4146 : Bandelier NM, Main Loop Trail  BW 4147 : Bandelier NM, Main Loop Trail  BW 4148 : Bandelier NM, Main Loop Trail  BW 4149 : Bandelier NM, Main Loop Trail  BW 4151 : Bandelier NM, Main Loop Trail